Why is our Adult Daycare a solution for your family?
ONEgeneration Adult Daycare helps seniors remain at home with their loved ones by providing a safe, supervised haven during the day. By ensuring every participant a nurturing environment, our program provides support to family members who are working or need support and assistance in caring for their loved one. Individuals in the program participate in cognitively stimulating activities, socialization, and physical activities to keep them as active and engaged as possible.
ONEgeneration Daycare is an exceptional daytime care program for adults living with Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, post-stroke disabilities, memory impairment and other long term illnesses. The ONEgeneration Adult Daycare is a Community Based Adult Services (CBAS) program which would include the additional services listed below.
Services, Activities and Programs
- Nursing Care including medication management
- Restroom assistance or reminders for those in need
- Individualized Plan of Care
- Social Work Assistance
- Nutritious breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks available
- Recreational Programs: Daily exercise and cognitively challenging games and activities
- Intergenerational Activities
- Music and Memories
- Person Centered Care
Additional Services May Include
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Transportation
- Dietary Consultation
General Program Information
Our services are covered by Medi-Cal Managed Care, Regional Center, Department of Veterans Affairs, long term care insurance and private pay. The Adult Daycare program hours are weekdays from 9:30am to 3:30pm. Extended Adult Daycare hours are available from 8:30am to 4:30pm.
For further information, to schedule a tour, or to find out about enrollment, please contact us by phone at (818) 708-6625 or by email adultdaycare@onegeneration.org
Extended tours are available for those families who wish to spend an hour or two with their loved one in the program before deciding to enroll. This will give you an opportunity to see if the program will be a right fit for your family.
To see our answers to Adult Daycare Frequently Asked Questions please CLICK HERE
For a list of our daily activities please CLICK HERE
This program is a lifesaver for me. It eliminates much stress for me and I know my mom is safe and happy. I ask her if she wants to stop going there and she says, “NO.” There isn’t much she can do at 98 years old so you really fill her needs. Thank you!!
~Child of Adult Daycare Participant
This is a part of life that belongs to him. He loves the children and the love and acceptance he receives from staff and management. We are blessed! Thank you ONEgeneration for the awesome program you have in place.
~Spouse of Adult Daycare Participant
ONEgeneration is a vendor with North Los Angeles County Regional Center to provide Adult Day Health Care services.
For concerns regarding Regional Center services provided at ONEgeneration, please contact www.dds.ca.gov/complaints or call (916) 654-1987.